Viral Advert Ideas
Vans Idea Sketch

Skittles Idea Sketch
This is one of my basic undeveloped ideas for skittles the idea is that the entire clip is in slow motion as skittles begin to fall this could be either real skittles or a Png file that rotates on the X and Y axis and i will keyframe the X and Y a man will then jumps into the shot and eat the skittles the screen then fades and Skittles tittle appears.
Dr. Pepper Idea Sketch
I will Shoot some footage on A DSLR of a Female drinking Dr Pepper from a bottle I then i will take the footage sand import it into After Effects and colour grade it increasing Red the Gain in of the RGB channels which should give it a Vintage feel when I've colour graded it i will add some .png images from the internet of the Dr. Pepper brand including some drinks and the logo i will then use the text button to write in my slogan "Trust me I'm a Doctor" of the drink and animate them to move by key frame the opacity and possibly the position of the X and Y axis. I plan for most of my work to be After effects based as i plan the main park of my Advert will be Footage that i have shot and only using Photoshop if there are files that still have backgrounds present in which case i would need to remove them.
The screen will start black then using opacity I will fade in the footage and start it playing if this doesn't work my back up plan would be to do this in FCP in which I could use the fade effect from a slug when the screen fades in the fist shot play which is the female lifting the drink the camera then zooms in whilst she drinks focusing on the label Dr Pepper then after a few seconds it fades out and the pictures will fade in one at a time.
Target Audience
The target audience for my advert is likely to be any age above 12+ so early teens onwards as there generally the age I'm going to try to attract to drinking Dr. Pepper.
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