Friday 30 May 2014

Viral Advert

Theses are some photos i took during the editing stage of the viral advert the first thing i did was use the warp stabilizer because some of the footage was not steady enough once i had stabilized it i ran it through some color correction in which i tried to bring out the reds more including the hair color and the brightness of the Dr. Pepper label to make it stand out the main problem i encountered was that when i made the colors more red it also effected the skin color turning it a very saturated orange. But overall i wanted it to have a almost vintage feel like the old days of Dr. Pepper advertising which is why i used a previous slogan "trust me i'm a doctor" instead of there newest slogan "whats the worst that could happen" and i think i overall achieved this "vintage" Theme.

Viral Advert Pre Production

Viral Advert Ideas

Vans Idea Sketch
For my Vans Idea it will feature lots of van pictures the same van in plenty of locations that will then be cut together to give it the feeling of motion i will then plan to photoshop the Vans name/logo to each picture on the last image i will put the name in after effects instead i will then keyframe and fade the opacity and i will then adjust the X and Y of the name making it move and increase in size the cover the screen.
Skittles Idea Sketch

This is one of my basic undeveloped ideas for skittles the idea is that the entire clip is in slow motion as skittles begin to fall this could be either real skittles or a Png file that rotates on the X and Y axis and i will keyframe the X and Y a man will then jumps into the shot and eat the skittles the screen then fades and Skittles tittle appears.

Dr. Pepper Idea Sketch
After Briefly drawing up and having a basic idea i decided to run with my Dr. Pepper idea I've began the planning stage of my pre production and have a rough idea my idea is to make a viral advert for Dr. Pepper it will be a piece of footage i will shoot then i will colour grade it and add some animations in. This is a basic sketch that includes some of the details i hope to include.


I will Shoot some footage on A DSLR of a Female drinking Dr Pepper from a bottle I then i will take the footage sand import it into After Effects and colour grade it increasing Red the Gain in of the RGB channels which should give it a Vintage feel when I've colour graded it i will add some .png images from the internet of the Dr. Pepper brand including some drinks and the logo i will then use the text button to write in my slogan "Trust me I'm a Doctor" of the drink and animate them to move by key frame the opacity and possibly the position of the X and Y axis. I plan for most of my work to be After effects based as i plan the main park of my Advert will be Footage that i have shot and only using Photoshop if there are files that still have backgrounds present in which case i would need to remove them.

The screen will start black then using opacity I will fade in the footage and start it playing if this doesn't work my back up plan would be to do this in FCP in which I could use the fade effect from a slug when the screen fades in the fist shot play which is the female lifting the drink the camera then zooms in whilst she drinks focusing on the label Dr Pepper then after a few seconds it fades out and the pictures will fade in one at a time.

Target Audience

The target audience  for my advert is likely to be  any age above 12+ so early teens onwards as there generally the age I'm going to try to attract to drinking Dr. Pepper.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Case Study - Unit 62


Lossless is a type of Compression which when uncompressed all of the original information is completely restored which gives you the highest quality results whereas Lossy is a form of Compression that reduces a file by permanently eliminating certain redundant information therefore Lossless seems to be abetter type of compression and would result in no information lost and overall higher quality.

MPG is a extension for an MPEG animation in the MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 codec. MPEG-1 was designed for coding progressive videos at bit rates of about 1.5 million per second. MPEG-2 was designed for coding interlaced images at bit rates above 4 million bits per second.

3GP is specifically used as a video streaming format for mobile phones and can also be found in other multimedia devices.

ASF is a file format that stores audio and video information and is specially designed to run over networks like the internet.

MP4 is a format that is widely used which means a MP4 has various file name extensions that can help give clues as to what kind of content the file contains.

A MOV file is a Apple QuickTime Movie Format and is exclusive and limited to QuickTime player which means it won't open on other players making it not very useful.

AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) is a sound and motion picture file that requires a special player to be used.

WMV (Windows Media Video) is a type of video compression format which is gaining popularity as a format for Blu-ray Discs.

FLV (Flash Video) is a video format created by Adobe which works with the Flash Player as well as other FLV Players Lots of web videos use this format.

SWF is a extension for Shockwave Flash the files can contain animations and sound designed for web use.

Content Delivery

DVD is a well known Format of Content Delivery it is used world wide to play films or even basic recordings DVD's are region encoded which means that DVD's will only work on players that are meant for that region for example Region 1 is the USA, Canada and US territories which means if you get a DVD from America it wont work in any UK (region 2) DVD players and vice versa but some DVD's are meant to be viewable on any player and are classed as region 0 which means it can be viewed anywhere. Dvd's are usually formatted for television systems NTSC (USA) or PAL (Europe) These two formats are incompatible even if using a region 0 disc you will need to ensure your television can handle the format, However Many European TV sets are multi standard meaning they can display a NTSC signal.

Quicktime was originally a piece of software mainly used by Mac's to view multi media footage but recently Quicktime 7 Pro was released which not only allows you to play different multi media footage but now allows you to record and need cut down clips. Quicktime can support more format types then any other media viewer some it supports are: AVI, AVR, DV and OpenDML.

Windows Media Player is the basic media viewer Used on a PC with Windows Media Player 12 you an now not only use the normal formats available but it is the first windows media player that can also play Quick  time files (.mov)  MP4 audio files (.m4a) MP4 Video file (.mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .3g2, .3gp2, .3gp and .3gpp) Windows audio files (.aac, .adt and .adts) and MPEG-2 TS Cideo files (.m2ts)

DivX web player supports DivX format (.divx and .avi) the H.264-based DiveX Plus can also support .mkv format and MP4 (.mp4 .m4v and .mov) The maximum Resolution for DivX Plus is 1920x1080 DivX can also be downloaded merged with Quicktime Pro for maximum Format support.

Youtube is widely used for both Audio and Video and can support a wide range of formats for uploaded videos the videos YouTube supports are .MOV .MPEG4 .AVI .WMV .MPEGPS .FLV .3GPP .WebM. Youtube also have a guide on how to convert files which can then be uploaded to youtube.

Mobile Devices

If you buy a Film on iTunes you can expect it to work as a full HD film Which would be a Lossless Mp4 format which is likely to be played through Apples Quicktime player as a (16:9) format 1920x1080 on Mobile devices such as an iPhone bit would still be a Lossless .MP4 format still (16:9) but would be on a smaller scale around 720x576


If you rent a movie on Netflix its likely that it will be a full lossless VC-1 (video codec) file VC-1 is often used with both HD DVD's and Blu-ray disks the aspect ratio can go up to 16:9 and is a full lossless format.

Friday 16 May 2014

FMP Rough Draft

This is a Rough Draft for my FMP this version I am yet to put through after effects and I still need to recorded and add more Audio such as ambient noise but I have done most of the dialogue


My name is Jonathan Partner I am an enthusiastic Scriptwriter and Director. I have a Deep passion in Film and Scriptwriting and I aspire to become a full time scriptwriter. In my Final Major Project I Wrote, Directed and Stared in the Short Film. This shows how Versatile I can be with my roles.

Thursday 15 May 2014

FMP Evaluation

For my Final Major Project I used my Lonely Existence idea which is a short 5 minute production that follows a Protagonist who's searching for why he's alone whilst conducting his search it becomes apparent he's being stalked by something I enjoyed producing this piece of work as it allowed me to be as creative as I liked to be for example I tried out some cool camera angles that I thought were quite unique and made some scenes look more dynamic.

I think that my Production didn't go so well I thought I had shot a lot more then I had and only had enough footage to literally scrape 5 minutes I also had a problem with sound as when it came to recoding with the zoom you could still hear the wind in the recording which created a lot of problems.

One of my main problems was on the day of shooting there was a Tractor cutting down the bush in the area I planned to film which meant I had to change the plan quite quickly on set and film different things in a different location which meant I wasn't sticking to the shot list which is probably why I was only able to just achieve 5 minutes instead of around 7 minutes that I planned to reach.

One thing I liked was some of the unique camera angles we achieved one in the forest we made lift and rested it on a branch giving the feeling of height.

I think there was a lot of creative thinking in this production in all the shots I was trying to make the Protagonist look small and powerless to what's happening around him I did this by always making the camera higher then him.

I also dislike the ending of my project as I feel as though it doesn't make sense and I also had a lot of problems with attempting to show that the characters alone without having to keep saying it.

This is the link to my Finished Piece not the rough draft.

FMP Sound - Pre/Post Production

When doing sound for my FMP I considered both the music that I would have to find online and apply in post production and ambient sound I would recorded on set also I will be recording a voice over using the zoom.

I plan to recorded the Sound on set using a zoom microphone to give me a crisp clear set of sound effects such as twigs snapping and walking I could also catch some sounds of wildlife to put in the background

I have already found a Royalty Free soundtrack that I could easily loop to give a horror style feel to the loneliness

I'm going to use my house when I'm alone to recorded my voice for the voice over which is key in telling the story.

After filming and creating my rough draft i then made a basic plan of what sound was still needed so i could easily get these sound effects

Research codes and conventions

Promotinal Videos are Structured in terms of how they are created the typical codes and conventions include you Promoting the buissness and not misrepresenting them in terms of how its created usualy codes and conventions will included Doing things like Pre-Production, Production and Post Production.

FMP Shot List - Pre Production

1. Long Scenic Wide Shot of The Road (next to the common)

2.Wide shots of nature in the common.

3.Full Shot of the church.

4.Static Wide of blackboard

5.ECU of the Alarm

06.Wide shot of blackboard

7.ECU of Jim Brushing his teeth

8.Full shot of the kitchen

9.Wide shot out front of the House.

10. Full shot of the road with Jim walking up it

11.Close up of Jim's Feet

12.Full scenic shot of the common Jim walks into shot

13.Mid shot following Jim (camera stops)

14.Mid shot of Jim at the field from behind Camera swings then pans back

15. Mid shot panning down (mirroring his movements)

16.Close up of Jim's hands

17. Camera stays static as Jim gets up and walks away out of focus

18.Wideshot from behind the tree watching Jim

19.Close up of Jim's face moving backward

20.wide shot watching Jim run past

21.Midshot of Jim falling to his knees

22.First person walking out of the trees

23.Wide shot of the mysterious character walking up to Jim

24.Close up of Jim as the camera fades

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Formal Elements of Motion Graphics

In this piece of work i will be looking at a few different viral videos Identifying and Assessing some of the techniques they use that i could then later use in creating my viral advert.

I looked at  The Evian Roller Babies Viral Advert First which consists of a group of babies with roller-skates dancing in a park I chose this advert for the amount of 3D elements included for example the babies are completely 3D Modelled and there are at least 10 of them dancing around which from observation looks to be the only thing that has been modelled for this advert the rest of the set looks to be footage with the CG babies added in at the end.

I searched around and Found some old Boomerang adverts that all feature at least 1 2D element the most obvious being the backgrounds these indents are layered cleverly to make you think that they are 3D but they are likely to be layered PSD files that are all 2D and all cross over each other which includes the cartoons and also the Boomerang Line that crosses over everything.

I looked at this Apple iPod advert because it heavily features a black matte covering the RGB values of the people by first turning them alpha and then filling the alpha space which a black colour whilst the backgrounds colour remains or is changed throughout the RGB Values.

RGB are three of the most basic Alpha channels RGB stands for Red Green Blue which are the basic primary colours which can be manipulated in filming to alter the different colours and give a desired effect on a piece of footage Alpha is another setting which changes the visibility aspect of something whereas adjusting the RGB will change the colour of something changing the Alpha will change the Opacity of something.