Friday 20 December 2013

Post Production - Sound

After we finished the filming process of our Single camera Drama we began editing I decided I would create my own soundtrack for the production then allow the other members of my team to decided if they wanted to use it or not I used garage band for this but I found that quite quickly I couldn't get the hang of how to use it so I decided I would actually record some Folly effects


 I thought about trying to get a Foley gunshot sound so I browsed YouTube videos and then decided to come up with my own idea I first tried bubble wrap simple but effective it did make a pop but I think it would take considerable amount of editing to make it sound like a gunshot so next I thought to use a plastic bag and pop it, it made a considerably better sound but still slightly lacked and needed more depth to it I then decided to use a sandwich bag with air inside and I popped it, it was almost the sound I was after so I put a small amount of water in the bag and bang it worked I was happy with the sound that it made but we decided not to use this foley effect because we had already found a better one online.

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