Monday 16 December 2013

Ident Idea 1 Sketch

This is the basics of my first ident idea which was where I will focus on a plaque saying J.C.P Productions on a door whilst focusing on this silhouettes of people will walk past I  then sketched it out and labeled the important parts all movement is highlighted by arrows

This is a step by step plan of what will happen in the ident to make it clearer if I decide to use this ident and then underneath I wrote about the camera movements that would take place for this idea it was quite easy as the camera just stays still and only has a small zoom effect

Finally I had a thought about the sound that would be featured in this ident I decided to go for a basic set of office sounds and muffle them so they were not to overpowering and steal the attention.

This idea would consist of 4 2D Elements that would be layered cleverly to make the Ident look 3D the first layer would be the door which is the main focus and the glass part of the door would be have to be edited out of on Photoshop then replaced with something more transparent but still looking like glass next would be the silhouettes that would keyframe there positions and then i would alter the X setting after a few seconds to make them move past each other i will place then bellow the door/glass combo on the after effects timeline which would layer them behind the glass and door giving the wanted effect of people walking past the door.

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