Friday 25 April 2014

Corporate Promo Evaluation

For my corporate promo my client was the royal hotel in southend on sea I chose to make the promo for them because they had previously given us a filming location for our single camera drama and so it felt like we owed it to them we spoke to Don who was in charge of the pub area who liked the idea of us making a free promotional video for them so we gave him a list of idea we had come up with and if he wanted anything changed or added in which he was compliant and agreed with us on everything after we developed and fully planned the idea we returned but we were told to deal with the manager Cherish which ment we were dealing with a new client which was okay because she agreed with the same things as Don.

Our idea was mainly based around the opening of the downstairs club as that would be the biggest selling point we also focused on the fact it was a pub/club so it would feature a lot of the pub. I think our Promotional video was okay but was lacking in certain areas some of the shots looked out of place and low quality and i didn't particularly like the soundtrack we found. but we didn't have enough time to find a new soundtrack so we tried our best to make the audio fit the visual.

I think we showed our determination to this project because we filmed at there open late nights which went on till around 2-3 in the morning.

This is a Link to Christians Account where he uploaded the video

FMP Location Scouting - Pre Production

These are some Photos I took of one of the key locations I plan to film at this will help me to visually plan out the scenes. This is one of the locations i plan to film a lot of my scenes near provided that there are no cars driving up and down.

Thursday 24 April 2014

FMP Jim Taylor Screenwriting 101 - "The Character Tree" - Pre Production

The Character Tree

This is a character tree for my Protagonist for my FMP Jim Taylor.


What does this person look like?
Casual Dirty needs a good night sleep
Where do they live?
Lives alone now in his parents house
Where did they go to school?
Locally short distance from his house
Do they have any tattoos? why?
He hates the idea of something irreversible such as tattoos
Who is their best friend?
He doesn't like to brand people as best friends
What is their occupation?
he's currently studying at College


What does this person WANT?
He wants life to return to normal and for everyone to come back returning the status quo also for all this to all be a bad dream.
How does their sexuality manifest itself?
Its not a big deal to him as he's only ever had one main crush which is one of his close friends and he's never acted on these feelings
How do they feel about the classic sins (greed, Lust, Envy ect) ? What about them is really childish?
He has a lot of greed as he always had what he wanted before everyone disappeared and he took everything for granted he had. He's secretly still a kid at heart wants his Mum and Dad to come home and look after him.


What does this person NEED?
He needs to find answers and maintain his humanity.
What will make them a more functional person?
He would be more functional if he was less outgoing as he is constantly pushing himself to the psychical and mental limit.
Do they need to find self-confidence? Humility?
He's confident around friends but when he's alone he begins to be filled with self doubt.
Do they need to provide for their family?
No he's family is quite well of and he has never had to worry about money.


How does this person sound?
Smart and abnormally calm considering the situation.
How do they project themselves? 
He speaks clearly but doesn't shout.
How do they try to come off to others?
He try's to come off confident and strong has a habit of putting on a deeper voice when nervous.
How do they actually come off to others?
He comes of as confident but sometimes a bit weird with a deeper voice that doesn't suit him.


What is their Intelligence?
Although initially he's more of a brawn then brains kind of guy he learns to use his brain more
How does this manifest itself?
As time goes on he begins to hallucinate and not realise whats real and fake.
How practical are they?
Hes very practical and likes to attempt to think things out before rushing into things
How do they solve problems?
He thinks everything through and makes sure he's ready for all possible scenarios


What is their artistic/creative capacity?
He's not very creative and enjoys sticking to a same routine day in day out.
What elements are NOT practical? 
He's not used to fending for himself.
What is their Spirituality?
He dosent ofter think about it but he's open to others views.


Review your answers do they represent a consistent Character Psychology?
Yes there are a few moments where they contradict as he is secretly shy but to everyone else he seems confident.
What are their defining memories?
His first drink with his friends which was his first taste of freedom without his mother smothering him.
How in a nutshell do they behave?
He has good and bad moments he's either very spoilt and over confident almost cocky or he's extremely shy and quiet.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Blake Snyder Beat Sheet

Blake Snyder's Beat Sheet

We looked at Blake Snyder's Beat Sheet which is used to create the structure of a film through key points "Beats" and to the right of each point is the amount of minutes into the feature that you should roughly see them.

1.Opening Image (1)
2.Theme Stated (5)
3.Set up (1-10)
4.Catalyst (12)
5.Debate (12-25)
6.Break into two (25)
7.B-Story (30)
8.Fun and Games (30-55)
9.Midpoint (55)
10.Bad guys close in (55-75)
11.All is lost (75)
12.Dark Night of the soul (75-85)
13.Break into Three (85)
14.Finale (85 - 110)
15.Final Image (110)

Lord of The Rings - The Fellowship of The Ring 

1.At exactly 1 Minute The first image appears which is just after the title

2.The theme is stated between 1-5 minutes into the feature.


4.The discovery of the ring

5.Gandalf realises what kind of ring it is and convinces Frodo to leave the Shire

6.Frodo meets merry and pippin

7.Gandalfs of to see Saruman

8.Frodos chased by ring wraiths

9.Frodo meets strider

10.Strider vs ringWraiths

11.Frodo is stabbed and begins to fade

12.Arwen trys to get Frodo to Rivendell as hes fading

13.Frodo wakes up in Rivendell

14.council meeting forming the fellowship

FMP Lonely Existence Proposal - Pre Production


Jim Taylor has been alone for 11 days now with no one around all human life has vanished he is trying to find out why he is the sole survivor and where everyone has gone whilst searching for any signs of human life he begins to question what’s real and what’s a hallucination after a lengthy amount of time he realises something is following him whilst Jim is searching through a local woodland area and his Hallucinations are most vivid here so he runs to the road and finally confronts this figure dressed in black as the figure gets closer and closer more colour drains from the world and an extreme pain becomes apparent in his head the figure extends its hand and before it touches Jim everything fades and the last image he can see is that of a man laying in a road similar to himself.

Long scenic shots showing he is alone lots of moving camera shots handheld with a tripod to stabilise because the Protagonist walks a lot lots of wide and full shots

Lots of ambient sound giving the feeling of isolation small amounts of dialogue mostly voiceovers a good mysterious soundtrack is key to this piece

Target Audience
I am aiming to achieve a 12a rating for my FMP because there isn't any direct violence and is very tame  but because its contains a horror based theme and has a scene containing blood which means i may have to consider in post production if it should be a 15 or not.

Time scales
I think that it should only take me a day to shoot the film and perhaps a day for all the folly and sound recordings I have a set day for filming which is the 28th of April which allows me to have all preproduction and location scouting complete and that gives me the rest of the time for editing which I think I will need most time for.

Additional Materials

Its likely I will be doing a voice over of the editing process and its possible i will be doing a A voice over evaluation of my Piece.

Friday 4 April 2014


FMP After Pitch - Changing Idea

After I Pitched my FMP idea for Alone I ran into a complication one of the reasons I chose this as my FMP was because I had the location which was my house and was completely free and able to be used but I could no longer use the location due to the fact the owner was returning home and I would not be able to film at nights as I hoped to. So I then went back to my previous ideas before the Pitch and Realized Idea 5 would be easier to do and it would not be rushed so would overall be of better quality after thinking it Through I decided to change ideas and work on Idea 5 instead which would be easier to do and be less rushed.

FMP Pitch Review

I decided that I would use Idea 4 which was called "Alone" as my Final idea I then had to pitch the idea to the class The following are the slides are from my PowerPoint pitch for my FMP. After my pitch I only received one question which was concerning the amount of gore that my FMP would have because I was hoping for a 15 rating on my Final Product I decided there would only be one scene which would contain gore and would simply be dripping down the Protagonists hand.

FMP Advancing Ideas

After coming up with 5 basic ideas I decided to look over them pick 3 and advance them giving the ideas more thought and detail.

Idea 2 - (Table for One)

5 Men sitting around a old wooden table wearing dated suits and hats talking about a case of money that they stole one states there's only 5 people that know about the heist and there all in the room the conversation gets heated and they decided only one person can leave to ensure no one talks they all agree and put there guns on a separate table in the corner of the room apart from one gun a 6 bullet revolver which is placed in the middle of the table they then begin to spin the gun whoever is points at is then shot one by one they all die until 2 remain one man spins the gun but as he does so the other man shoots him with a concealed gun he then picks up the case and walks out.

Pros: Well Developed, Good Idea
Cons: Location, Props, Costume

Idea 4 - (Alone)

A young man is alone in his house for the evening or so he thinks then he begins to hear strange noises and he soon realises he's not as alone as he thinks he then begins to search the house baseball bat in hand as he's tormented by a mysterious figure who has one goal and soon enough a game of kill or be killed begins.

Pros: Good Idea, Access to location
Cons: Timely (has to be set at night)

Idea 5 - (Lonely Existence)

Waking up to a world void of all life Our protagonist has been alone for 3 weeks now he has questions but no answers he's finally accepting the truth of this lonely survival when he begins to notice something following him perhaps he's not alone as he thinks and the more he try's to look answers the more danger he's thrusting upon himself.

Pros: Good idea, Access to Location
Cons: Sound, Props