Thursday 27 February 2014

Genre Theory

We have been studying the Genre Theory in our lesson first we talked about Iconography, Iconography is association a icon with something else in this case a film genre so a Gun would be associated with a action Genre and as a class we looked at the Western genre and had to list things you would expect to see in a Western Gene film this is what the class came up with.

We then had to find a clip that had some of these present i found this clip
Which is from The Good The Bad The Ugly which is a personal favourite of mine and contain quite a few of the points listed which define it as a Western Genre.

We next had to try to make a Genre-less poster a poster that you would look at and not be able to define into a genre this is the poster i made this poster.
I found it hard to create a genre-less poster as even after I gave it my best shot people still thought it was a Romance genre but I learned that its very hard to take films/film posters and make them genre-less

In the next task we were then given two quotes and told to agree with one of them and give a brief explanation why

"Genre is an endlessly flexible tool for artists and audiences to understand and define films. It allows filmmakers to connect with the audience most likely to enjoy there work"

"Genre is a barrier to creativity and a strait jacket to prevent experimentation. it is the enemy of interesting cinema"

I would agree with the the first statement given because i fully support genre i do believe that it allows film makers to connect with the audience and Genre helps define the film and allows audiences to know what they are viewing before hand.

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