Friday 28 February 2014

Research market/audience

We decided to look up The Royal Hotels Facebook page for some basic market research to see who exactly goes to The Royal Hotel and the results were mixed but everyone was over the age of 18 so taking this in with the expectations of our client we thought making the video not gender specific was the way to go and to keep it generally around the age od 21-30

Pre-Production - Soundtrack

For the soundtrack for our Corporate Promo we made a decision that because it was a promotional video there was no need for sound effects but instead we wanted just a soundtrack for the background to our work we then decided to search online for royalty free music we looked on various sites but then we found that YouTube had a wide variety of royalty free music we found a suitable song because we was sceptical about using YouTube we looked in the about section to view the terms of use

Next we found a song we liked and applied it to our promo which seemed to fit well finally we applied it to our work and made it slightly quieter to ensure you don't focus more on the music then the video.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Genre Theory

We have been studying the Genre Theory in our lesson first we talked about Iconography, Iconography is association a icon with something else in this case a film genre so a Gun would be associated with a action Genre and as a class we looked at the Western genre and had to list things you would expect to see in a Western Gene film this is what the class came up with.

We then had to find a clip that had some of these present i found this clip
Which is from The Good The Bad The Ugly which is a personal favourite of mine and contain quite a few of the points listed which define it as a Western Genre.

We next had to try to make a Genre-less poster a poster that you would look at and not be able to define into a genre this is the poster i made this poster.
I found it hard to create a genre-less poster as even after I gave it my best shot people still thought it was a Romance genre but I learned that its very hard to take films/film posters and make them genre-less

In the next task we were then given two quotes and told to agree with one of them and give a brief explanation why

"Genre is an endlessly flexible tool for artists and audiences to understand and define films. It allows filmmakers to connect with the audience most likely to enjoy there work"

"Genre is a barrier to creativity and a strait jacket to prevent experimentation. it is the enemy of interesting cinema"

I would agree with the the first statement given because i fully support genre i do believe that it allows film makers to connect with the audience and Genre helps define the film and allows audiences to know what they are viewing before hand.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

After Effects - Title Sequence

We were given the task of creating a moving title in after effects the first thing i did was create a new composition next i created a text box with the Text created i moved the Anchor point using the special tool next we went on Layer>New>Camera and set the Preset to 35mm next i clicked the cube box on my text layer making it 3D Then on the text i set a position keyframe at 0:00 with the Z axis at -900 i then moved to 8 frames later and changed the Z to 0 at 1 second i created another keyframe Z to 0  at 1 second 8 frames and changed Z to 1000 then between keyframe 3 and 4 i changed the opacity to 0 giving it a fade effect we then had Interpolation problems so i right clicked the second keyframe and selected Interpolation changed the Spatial Interpolation to linear and pressed ok i repeated this process on the third keyframe next i created a Radial Ramp

Thursday 13 February 2014

Cat in the Hat Psychoanalytical Theories

Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat 

My chosen Film is Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat i will now look at this film and try to apply 3 different theories The Auteur, Feminist and Psychoanalytical Theory.

Psychoanalytical Theory

I mainly chose this film because think that it has a direct link to a Psychoanalytical Theory which is called the Ego Theory the idea is simple in basic terms a chain of command The idea is that you have a Super Ego who is in charge and relays a message down to the Ego much like the brain talking to the  body the Ego is the one that has to find a way of achieving the goal set. Incomes the Id which is the subconscious which generates quick ideas which can either be used or subsided as unimportant For example if the brain (The Super Ego) told the body (The Ego) we need money the subconscious (Id) might suggest to rob a bank but after generating the idea it is dismissed. In Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat The Cat Played by Mike Myers is the Super Ego because he is the one coming up with activities to do Conrad and Susie are the Ego the ones that have to deal with the commands and consequences and The Things are the Id as they generate problems (such as destroying the house) and also generates solutions (cures the boredom of the children and helping them fix the house) or From a different side of The psychoanalytical theory you could swap the roles and say that The children are the super ego wanting to have fun the Cat is the Ego trying to achieve the goal.

Pre-Production - Schedule

The following is a brief summary of our planned schedule

Brief Completed - 17/01/14
We plan to have our brief completed by the client and given back to us so we can start our
Pre-Production planning by this time.

Pre Production Completed - 24/01/14
By the 24th we want all of our preproduction to be completed putting us in a position ready to film.

Production Completed - 31/01/14
By the next time we meet our client we want all of the filming completed and checking over everything else to ensure we are up to date.

Post Producrion Completed - 07/02/14
This is the final time we will meet the client and hand in our video with all work completed.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Corporate Promo Meeting 5

Meeting 5 - 07/02/2014

The Client approved of the completed work and  allowed us complete creative control in the choice of music for the Promotional video

Thursday 6 February 2014

Psychoanalytical Theory's

The Ego Theory

Today we learned about some of the Psychoanalytical Theory's that exist the one that stood out most to me was about Sigmund Freud's theory about The Ego, The Super Ego and The ID are the three parts that make up your brain The Super Ego is the part of your brain that gives out commands and sends a message down the Chain of command The Super Ego sends a Message to the Ego which deciders how to achieve the command given and the ID is the subconscious thats provides ideas which may be good ideas or they may be bad ideas which once considered are realised to be bad. For example we watched an episode of The Trapdoor an old stop animation in which an elusive "master" (The Super Ego) gives commands to Berk (The Ego) who is attempting to complete the task given he then opens a trapdoor which reveals 2 monsters (The ID) One of the monsters is a ugly evil monster which Berk shows a mirror to (revealing its a bad idea) which sends him running back into the trapdoor and the other monster helps Berk achieve his goal.

The Uncanny Theory

uncanny Theory = something from childhood changed also familiar/unfamiliar

Client Brief Original client

This is the filled out brief for our client Don Johnson at the Royal Hotel

Client Brief (Current Client)

Because our client changed we made another brief but our client wanted the promo to be similar to the other brief so she filled it out in a similar way and kept pretty much everything the same

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Corparate Promo Meeting 4

Meeting 4 - 31/01/2014

After a brief run-through of the plan we decided to start the filming today she was happy to let us film anywhere we wanted.

After Effects Cameras, 3D and Parallax

In our after effects lesson we learned about Camera Projection after creating our new composition with the 4 .png files we were given we had to arrange them correctly so the sky was at the back followed by the sand and pyramids and he wall at the front we then toggled the 3D cubes on the images creating a third axis the Z axis which creates depth thus giving the 3D effect next we changed the view from active camera to Top view and changed the Z position on each image putting distance between them then we created a new camera under the layer tool and changed the camera setting to 35mm we then created a parallax by changing the focus of the camera to the background image of the sky finally by key framing the aperture i managed to create a depth of field effect as the Composition moves.

I then decided using Opacity i would add in some text i keyframes 0% opacity on the text at the beginning then key framed 2 seconds and incased the opacity to 100%