Wednesday 29 January 2014

Ollie After Effects Wiggling and Stabilising

After Effects - Wiggling And Stabilising 

We were given two different pieces of footage and we had the task to correct them both the first piece of footage we had to create a shaky camera effect almost like it was handheld and the second was to shaky so we used the warp stabiliser to fix the motion so it appears more still.


After importing the .mov file i dragged it onto new composition once selected in the timeline i clicked the window drop down then selected Wiggler to open a new tab on the right with the footage selected i pressed "p" on the keyboard which brought up the position i key framed the clip at 14fps and at 1second  i then dragged and selected both changed the noise type on the right to Jagged and the frequency to 15 and magnitude to 25 then i typed into effects to find the Motion Tile Effect which i dragged onto the clip the changed the settings and checked the Mirror box then i exported and saved the Comp.

Warp Stabilising

I imputed the second .mov file into After Effects dragged it onto new composition i then clicked the drop down arrow on the right changing it to Motion Tracking i then selected the option Warp Stabiliser it brings up a box on the left in which you change "smooth Motion" to no motion and bump up the scale 1% then save and export the file

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