Friday 31 January 2014


The Royal Hotel

I decided to do some background Research on the Royal Hotel in which I found there website and had a look at it I found some basic information about the location.


Coropate Promo Meeting 3

Meeting 3 - 24/01/2014

We had a complication with the client and were directed to deal with a new member of the team so we printed the brief again and gave it to the new client Cherish Roach thankfully she pretty much agreed to everything that Don had already set us which meant we could continue with our idea.

Corporate Promo Meeting 2

Meeting 2 - 17/01/2014

We gave Don the brief in which we spoke about and agreed to full access to the location some things he specified were he wanted it available for there Facebook page and if possible to have it on DVD format he wanted the actual Promo to be aimed at 25+ and mentioned that a good time to film would be the 31st at a club night he's having.


Corporate Promo Meeting 1

Meeting 1 - 10/01/2014
We asked Don Johnson if he wanted to be our client for our Corporate Promo he expressed that he likes the thought of us making a Promo for The Royal Hotel we then decided that in our next meeting we would get him to look at the brief.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Pre-Production - Shot List

Shot List
Project Name:
        The Royal Hotel Promo
Created By:
         Jonathan Partner

                        1  Opening Shot of The Royal Hotel's Exterior

                        2  Interior Bar Area Shot

                        3  Interview #1

                        4  Exterior of Royal Hotel at night

                        5  Candle light event shots

                        6  Interview #2

                        7  Downstairs club shot's

                        8  Interview #3

                        9  Closing shot of scenic views from the Royal Hotel


Pre-Production - Location Report INT

Location Report


Location:       The Royal Hotel (Interior)

1 High Street
Contact Person:
Cherish Roach
Bar Manager

Available plug sockets for charging



Extra lighting may be required
1 extra light 


Some furniture may need to be moved


10 minute walk from the college

Pre-Production - Location Report EXT

Location Report


Location:       The Royal Hotel (Exterior)

1 High Street

Contact Person:
Cherish Roach
Bar Manager

Exterior location
No Electricity Available/required


Road Nearby
Public noise
Possibly Construction sounds


Lots of Natural Light (if shooting in the dark lights on sight)

No portable Lights required


Seafront in the Background 


Close to college 10 minute walk

Feminist Theory - Naomi Wolf/ The Male Gaze

Naomi Wolf - "The Beauty Myth"

In lesson we were talking about the Feminist Theory and after researching i found a woman called Naomi Wolf who published a book in 1991 called The Beauty Myth which is all about the idea of Feminism and societies view on the female gender.

She talks about how society and the Male gender have forced them to want to change the way they look at themselves and make them want to go through extreme measures to appeal to the males image of what women should look like.

“Cosmetic surgery processes the bodies of woman-made women, who make up the vast majority of its patient pool, into man-made women.” 
― Naomi WolfThe Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women

The Male Gaze

In lesson we also spoke about the Idea that in hollywood cameras are used to film "through the male gaze" for example in Who Framed Roger Rabbit - In the scene where Jessica Rabbit (A Female Cartoon) is singing on a stage she is wearing a revealing tight fitting dress and the camera focusses on her legs and chest which is were you'd imagine the males would be looking hence "The Male Gaze"

“What are other women really thinking, feeling, experiencing, when they slip away from the gaze and culture of men?” 

― Naomi WolfThe Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Ollie After Effects Wiggling and Stabilising

After Effects - Wiggling And Stabilising 

We were given two different pieces of footage and we had the task to correct them both the first piece of footage we had to create a shaky camera effect almost like it was handheld and the second was to shaky so we used the warp stabiliser to fix the motion so it appears more still.


After importing the .mov file i dragged it onto new composition once selected in the timeline i clicked the window drop down then selected Wiggler to open a new tab on the right with the footage selected i pressed "p" on the keyboard which brought up the position i key framed the clip at 14fps and at 1second  i then dragged and selected both changed the noise type on the right to Jagged and the frequency to 15 and magnitude to 25 then i typed into effects to find the Motion Tile Effect which i dragged onto the clip the changed the settings and checked the Mirror box then i exported and saved the Comp.

Warp Stabilising

I imputed the second .mov file into After Effects dragged it onto new composition i then clicked the drop down arrow on the right changing it to Motion Tracking i then selected the option Warp Stabiliser it brings up a box on the left in which you change "smooth Motion" to no motion and bump up the scale 1% then save and export the file

Thursday 23 January 2014


Today we were given the task to take a script and effectively use the blocking technique we took one of our classmates scripts and acted a scene out after acting this scene we decided to use blocking to make it more interesting so we began blocking and made the scene more interesting the scene started out with me and Dillon sitting in chairs saying our lines then we decided to stAnd up and add some movement to the script/scene we finally achieved a really good scene that we were quite proud of using blocking allowed us to be more creative and use different shots successfully. From this lesson I've learned how to successfully use blocking and how it can improve a production.

Lord of The Rings Theory

Lord of The Rings Theory

For the Purpose of my work I chose Lord of the Rings and focused on what could be seen as a underlined meaning for the film.

Lord of the rings is a film Following the relationship of two hobbits who travel on a life threatening journey and find comfort in each others arms slowly developing there friendship into much more.

Frodo and Sam two hobbits, two friends or two lovers it may appear that Frodo and Sam are just friends to begin with but as there journey progresses they find themselves unable to hide there feelings.

Sam throws himself into the water an able to swim at risk of dying because he couldn't live without Frodo this is were there love first blooms after Frodo pulls him out of the water he holds him close.

Sam now comforts Frodo on there journey trying to reassure him that he is strong enough to do it and if he can't continue then Sam with carry him the rest of the way and refuses to leave him behind.

The final moment of there relationship Frodo decides to leave on a boat but comforts Sam first by holding him and giving Sam and only Sam a kiss on his forehead.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Auteur Theory

Auteur Theory - James Cameron

We began looking at the Auteur Theory in lesson which is the Theory of a Director being the main creative force like an author of the film I decided to look at James Cameron's work to see if he could be a Auteur and Auteur usually has Recurring Themes, A unique Visual Style or Recurring Cast. 

Recurring Themes
Cameron's work has Recurring Themes and subtexts this usually includes one or more of the following:

Conflicts Between Humanity and Technology for example the Terminator Films and Avatar which is arguable considering its not between humanity and technology but instead an alien race and technology. Strong Female Characters for example Rose from Titanic and Ellen Ripley from Aliens finally some form of Romance subplot like Titanic and True Lies

Visual Styles

James Cameron doesn't have a Visual style per say but his work usually has the following:

Lots of special effects in most films Terminator, True Lies, Titanic, Aliens and Avatar all use lots of special effects. Massive build up to a dramatic scene's for example Titanic building up to the inevitable ship sinking scene and plays on your emotions using recurring sounds and songs including sad sounding violins. Avatar has the massive build up to the destruction of the home tree which has a massive period of silence as the tree falls building suspense.

Recurring Cast

The most Recurring Actor in James Cameron's work is Bill Paxton Who appears in The Terminator, Aliens, True Lies, Titanic and Ghosts of the Abyss. Arnold Schwarzenegger also appears in a Terminator and True Lies

Significant Body of Work

There is 16 Films currently released by Cameron which will all share a theme or cast member with at least one of his other films.


I would say that in some ways James Cameron is an Auteur but when watching a film there is nothing truly defining that would make you say "this is a James Cameron Film"

Wednesday 15 January 2014

After Effects Lesson Tracking

In todays lesson i was tasked with taking a piece of footage and creating a castle image on top i attempted to do this on after effects using tracking i also had to use Photoshop to remove the background behind the castle image then i replicated the grass and using the Eraser tool i made the edges look faded so the image looked as though it was meant to be there then i put it back into after effects and put it onto of the .mov file and changed some of the saturation to try to make the colour more fitting to the scene then i exported it to youtube.